
To-read list

Created: 28/12/2022 - Last updated: 28/12/2022

I have a very long to-read list on The Storygraph, but here is a more specific list of books I don't want to lose sight of.

Non-Player Character, by Veo Corva

2021 | 376 pages | Veo on Mastodon | Shop page | Storygraph page

Recommended by L.J., she wrote "Non-Player Character is a cozy portal fantasy about a ttrpg friend group being transported to their fantasy world, with a queer and autistic protagonist and their queer, neurodivergent, disabled POC friends! If you like queer and disability-friendly fantasy that relies on resourcefulness, connections, and compassion over violence, you'll love this one."

Recommended by Azaliz, they wrote "The whole book is very heartwarming. The story starts with Tar, an anxious, autistic, fat, asexual person who’s about to play their first TTRPG game with a friend they met online. What’s not to love about this premise? And then you meet the other players and you’re like wow, this feels like home! The friendly bickering, the queerness of it all, the autistic and disabled characters 😍 This is a whole fantasy adventure without a single combat! Characters are fat, disabled, anxious, queer, and have an amazing time with friends ✨ (and also they do magic and they befriend pets!)"

The Red Scholar's Wake, by Aliette de Bodard

2022 | 320 pages | Aliette on Mastodon | Shop page | Storygraph page

Recommended by Snail, they wrote "I just finished "The Red Scholar's Wake", and it was the first romance book I've ever enjoyed all the way through. It's about people who care about each other even when it's very complicated and difficult, and also want the world to stop being shit even when *that's* very complicated and difficult. Also, space pirates."