
Seasonal Corner 🍁

a small branch of Japanese maple tree against the blue sky, the leaves are a very vivid red. two tea flowers, with yellow centers and white petals, stand atop of a tea bush, with dark green leaves; green moss can be seen under the bush. a bamboo forest; the light green, young bamboo trunks are seen in the foreground, and some bamboo leaves can be seen in the background. Foliage shadows plays on the bamboo trunks. a Japanese maple tree, with a wide dark branch cutting in the diagonal of the picture, and smaller branches as well as many leaves being visible around it. Most leaves are bright green, but a few green and yellow ones can also be seen. Behing the tree, parts of a Japanese buddhist temple roof can be seen.

Japan, November 2024

All pictures taken by me.
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Picture 1: a small branch of Japanese maple tree against the blue sky, the leaves are a very vivid red.
Picture 2: two tea flowers, with yellow centers and white petals, stand atop of a tea bush, with dark green leaves; green moss can be seen under the bush.
Picture 3: a bamboo forest; the light green, young bamboo trunks are seen in the foreground, and some bamboo leaves can be seen in the background. Foliage shadows plays on the bamboo trunks.
Picture 4: a Japanese maple tree, with a wide dark branch cutting in the diagonal of the picture, and smaller branches as well as many leaves being visible around it. Most leaves are bright green, but a few green and yellow ones can also be seen. Behing the tree, parts of a Japanese buddhist temple roof can be seen.